Monday, November 17, 2008

Thanks a lot Linda for the tag! Even though it took me a while to finally finish, it was kind of fun.

1.What is his name? Christopher Jaymes Mckinlay
2.Who eats more? Depends what where eating.
3.Who said I love you first? He did
4.Who's taller? He is
5.Who is smarter? Depends on what the subject is!
6.Who is more sensitive? Me- he thinks I am dramatic, too (I'll admit that I am)!
7.Who does the laundry? I do it 95% of the time. I really don't like him to help with the laundry he doesn't iron, and he folds things retarded.
8.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Chris does!
9.Who does the bills? I do!
10.Who cooks more? I do. But, if there is not leftovers on the nights that I work Chris is excellent at roman noodles, frozen pizza, and eggs.
11.What meals do you cook together? We usually cook together when were camping, Chris things he is the professions on the grill.
12.Who is more stubborn? Since I'm the one answering this question I would have to say he is. If you were asking him he would say I was.
13.Who is the first to admit they're wrong? We both can admit we are wrong. But, I'm usually the first one to say sorry.
14.Who has more siblings? Chris does
15.Who wears the pants in the relationship? Toss up? Probably me though.
16.What do you like to do together? Pretty much anything, that we can do as a family.
17.Who eats more sweets? I think that I probably do.
18.Guilty pleasures? Those stupid energy drinks. Ya know the heart attacks in a can.
19.How did you meet? I was friends with his sisters since elementary. The earliest memory I have of him was when I was at their house for a sleepover, and he was pushing us down the stairs in our sleeping bags. We were probably in fourth or fifth grade.
20.Who asked who out first? Not really sure. We both kind of did I guess ?? (long time ago) We had a lot of the same friends so we both just kind of kept showing up at the same places.
21.Who kissed who first? He did!
22.Who proposed? He did. On Christmas day, 1998
23.His best features? His smile, his eye, his dedications to us!

6 interesting things about yourself!
(gosh this is hard)
1. I love Christmas shopping! Some of you might think that I am crazy but, I love to go to the early morning sales the day after Thanksgiving. Last year I even got Chris to go with me.
2. I have a vacuum fetish. I love to open the canister and see how much I collected (kind of grouse I know), I even have my girls doing it now.
3. I iron just about everything when I do laundry.
4. I work two different jobs right now. At the hospital, and for a home health company out of Salt Lake.
5. I have double first cousins. My mom and her sister married brothers. I used to think it was really cool growing up. I didn't know anyone else that had double cousins.
6. I grew up in the same house that I'm living in now. I few years ago we sold our house in Centerfield. The people that said that they would sale us their house changed their minds. So one night my Mom said that we could by their house. We took her up on her offer, to her surprise. We love it in Aurora now. I feel so grateful that my kids get to grow up next door to their Grandma and Grandpa great.

Tagged by 5's....
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Senior in high school
2. Planning on getting married
3. Working at the dentist office
4. Hanging out with friends
5. Trying to decide what I was going to do with the rest of my life.

5 things on today's to-do list:
1. Well I'm at work right now and it about 0315 A.M. So I'm hoping and praying that Max will take a good nap sometime today so that I can at least get an hour or two of sleep.
2. Go to the grocery store.
3. Set up my Grandma and Grandpa's meds for the week.
4. Do homework with the kids, help them complete their chores, home health paperwork, pay a couple of bills, clean the house all before 4:30
5. Be back to work again by 5:00

5 treats I enjoy:
1. Diet coke
2. Chocolate
3. Popcorn (Chris can't believe that I will still eat it. When I was pregnant with Max I vomited every time I ate it. After I would vomit I would tell him I was never going to be able to eat popcorn again. A few days would pass and I would eat it again.)
4. Diet coke
5. Diet coke

5 things I would do if I was a millionaire:
1. Build a new house
2. Pay off my journey
3. Buy a new boat
4. Go on lots and lots of vacations
5. Work once a month

5 places I have lived:
1. Aurora
2. Salina
3. Centerfield
4. Salina
5. Aurora,

5 places I have worked:
1. Drive inn
2. Burger king. I worked their in High School. Chris used to call me his "Burger Queen"!
3. Richfield Care and Rehabilitation Center (longest 6 months of my life).
4. Gunnison Valley Hospital
5. Accredo Therapeutics

6 Quirks:
1. I like to fold the clothes when I do laundry. If Chris or the girls help me I secretly unfold what they have folded and redo it. Silly I know, I just can't help it.
2. I usually don't like it when someone else does Kodi and Jacey's hair. Kodi it starting to do her hair herself, I might need to get on some type of anti-anxiety medication before to long.
3. I always feel better when I have a clean house. But, I enjoy it when it's clean "my way". When Chris or the girl's wipe off the counter, I always do it again behind them. I like vacuum lines a certain way in the carpet. Ya know the usual stuff.
4. I don't like to eat any type of meat that is on a bone.
5. At work, or when I'm paying bills I can't hardly function if I don't have certain kind of pen. Its not really the pen its the gel ink that I like.
6. When I was still in school, I got really obsessed about note taking. I would write down notes during class. I would re-write the notes again after class, and then I would write them again sometime during the week before I had that class again. If I was to have an error on the page, I would start over again on that page. The positive things was that I pretty much would have my notes memorized.

Now I'm tagging - Janell, Mayra, Shayla, Nona, Kelly, Cheryl, Maghan, and any other hospital girls I forgot!


Linda said...

Hey Jodi-
It was fun to read all your answers and learn all the juicy details! We love you guys! See you soon.
PS- we really should plan a trip to Powell next summer or a cruise. Maybe both!

Dale and Marcie said...

That was fun to read and learn all of your quirks LOL

Maria said...

Hey Jodi- I just found your blog through Ashley Burr's. It's fun to hear whats going on in your life. It sounds like You are soooo busy. I would love to see pictures of your kiddo's. My blog is